That’s not a free license to hit ‘n’ run. If you were not already aware, there’s no ‘minimum seeding time’ requirement on all torrents. (Overall) Ratio: none ratio-free tracker. (Overall) Ratio: 1.0 is optimal, although: (Overall) Ratio: 1.0 is optimal for healthy account * Inactivity: Time not specifically mentioned, "the site will automatically set it as inactive after some time." Besides what other users may think of you for not sharing, there is no punishment for having a low ratio. The ratio system is purely statistical and somewhat innacurate for the ones with shared or dynamic ips. Seed Time: no mention of this 1:1 on individual torrents is key. (Overall) Ratio: 0.3 is bare minimum, but 1.0 is optimal for healthy account The minimum ratio you must keep after that is: (Overall) Ratio: You do not need to keep a good ratio until you have downloaded over 5GB. The accounts of donors are never disabled due to inactivity.
New accounts must be used to download within the first 7 days. Lightly used accounts older than 90 days may be disabled at any time at the discretion of staff, even if parked. Parked accounts are disabled after 380 days. * Inactivity: Unparked accounts are disabled after 90 days. * Inactivity: Accounts with nothing uploaded/ downloaded after 4 weeks, and are inactive for a week are pruned. They vary between 0.33 and 0.90, depending on DL. (Overall) Ratio: BS employs a somewhat intricate system (based on total GB downloaded) to determine global ratios.

Seed Time: Blackcat’s has their own unique ‘Seed Points’ system which allows users to get 1:1 ratio by just keeping torrent active for some time which varies from the size of downloaded data. (Overall) Ratio: Individual torrent ratio more important (0.8 for accounts with more than 4 GB downloaded). Accounts with less than 175MB in total Upload / Download activity per month may be disabled. * Inactivity: 30 days (on the tracker) for new accounts (0:0 ratio). Members with ratios above 1.00 may stop seeding immediately after download, if the torrent has a seeder to leecher ratio of 6:1 or higher. Seed Time: New members (members with accounts less than 4 weeks old) and members with a ratio below 1.00 should always continue to seed for at least 48 - 72 hours or until they reach a upload to download ratio of 1:1, whichever comes first. (Overall) Ratio: System depends on overall downloaded GBs: Also note that we regularly clean out accounts with very low share ratios.

Parked accounts are pruned when 62 days have elapsed since the last recorded activity. * Inactivity: Unparked accounts are pruned when 31 days have elapsed since the last recorded activity. Seed Time: 1:1 or 72 hours, non-contiguous. As a n00b, your account will be automatically disabled by the system if your ratio has not increased above 0.65 within two weeks. If your ratio remains below 0.5 for 10 days, you will be demoted to n00b status, and you will only be allowed to have a maximum of 2 active torrents. If your ratio is not kept up and it falls below 0.5, you will be issued a warning. text je na engleskom da neprevodim ali nece bit nikakih problema vezano za razumjevanje mozda da ga se ubaci negdje na pocetak ili nesto. Evo posto je dosta pitanja ovdje vezano za aktivnost, preseed, seed time i slicno postam ovdje jedan copy/paste s TR-a koji mislim da ce mnogima bit od koristi.